Monday, October 23, 2006

Russell Fink--Part 1

Hi everyone! Leslie here. Thanks for all the compliments I've been getting lately on handling our recent "situation." What some of you may not know is that this wasn't the first time I've dealt with the big city media. Last summer, I begged Jared to let me take a media-training seminar in Spokane. He reluctantly agreed, and I was determined to prove it would be worth it.

After two days my brain was on overload so at lunch I headed to the mall for some much needed shopping therapy. I was checking out some cute jeans at The Gap and sipping an iced mocha (not nearly as good as Bailey's) when I heard yelling coming from the Pet Planet next door. My journalistic instinct came to life, and I had to see what was going on.

People were running past me, one of which kept screaming nonsense about some guy named Russell Fink.The commotion piqued my interest. I was the only reporter around after all. Maybe this would be a great opportunity to get an inside scoop and prove to Jared that he was right to send me here.

I spotted Radio Shack and had an idea. The store was empty, so I left my business card with a scribbled note, grabbed a tape recorder, and ripped open a package of tapes. I slipped my Kanner Lake Times press pass out of my purse and into my pocket. Then, wielding a my new recorder in one hand and the iced mocha in the other, I made like Casper and inched toward Pet Planet, which reeked of pet dander, chlorine, and dog poop.

The young blonde woman came into view, tricked out in designer jeans, a hip tunic top, and too much makeup. Her gaze landed on me. Then she raised what looked like an exact replica of my new tape recorder. "Get out of here!"

That's when I noticed her tape recorder had a muzzle and a trigger on it. "My name is Leslie Brymes." My voice came out all squeaky. "I'm a reporter. Maybe I can help."

She studied me for a minute then lowered the gun. I took that as a good sign and pressed on, clicking the record button. "What's your name? And what are you--"

That's when the gun erupted.

Posted by ~ Bailey Truitt @ 7:00 AM
Oh, no! They killed Leslie!
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:02 AM
I'm not sure I'm buying all of this. Still, I'm looking forward to part 2.
Posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:56 PM
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